Go Pro Hero!!!! 18 Things About Go Pro Hero 8 In Comparison to Go Pro Max. Good And Bad About In Go Pro Hero 18

  Hey, today I'm going to give you 18 Things To Know about the new Go Pro Hero 8. I'm gonna go into a little bit of the detail and stuff, kind of the under the covers of how things actually work on these cameras and I'm gonna talk about the good, and the bad of these camera. They are definitely not perfect and there's some things that I love, and some things that drive me absolutely bonkers. Also note that I have a ton of sample footage in this video but I also have a dedicated footage video up there in the corner. That's like the extravaganza of sample footage. Comparisons of four different cameras at once, all sorts of cool stuff there. So check that out as well as the in-depth review that you see on the screen right now. With that let's get  into a bit of a freebie that is not included on my 18 Things, which is the pricing on this. The Hero 8 Black is at $399, the Hero 7 Black moves down to $329, the Hero 7 Silver goes to $199, and then they've introduced a new Hero Max at$499, which replaces the older Go Pro Fusion 360 camera. Still 360 degrees, and I'll talk about it at the end of this video. So with that let's get into #1 on the list, which is the new frame. Or rather lack thereof: the new case design.So in the past you had to put a frame around the camera in order to go a head and mount it to a Go Pro mount. Now the mount is built into the bottom. It's as mall metal mount that unfolds outwards so you can put it flat on the table without the mount, which is pretty awesome. Or you can just simply pop the mount out and then attach it to an existing Go Pro mount. It works with all existing Go Pro mounts, so if you already have mounts out there, that stuff works great no problem.


 But it won't necessarily work with all cases. So if you had for example an underwater case, not so much there. If you have one of the rubber silicon type cases,that does actually fit around a camera you just need to make a little hole for the mount at the bottom but that'll at least still kinda work. But if you're one of the five people left still flying one of the GoPro Karma drones - that's not compatible with this. Neither is the Karma Grip gimbal that came out the same time frame.  Uhhh...at least not without duct tape. You could maybe kinda make it work but it's honestly not worth it anymore. While on the whole this design is definitely an improvement, there are some downsides. Number one is that opening up this battery door is miserable. Especially in the cold, in kind of a windy scenario - like up in the mountains: That really sucked. You need to put your fingernail down there, and it's easy to kind of...it's not good at all. The other catches there is no smaller door access to the USB charger [port]. You have to have the entire door. You can take this off if you want to. But then you have the battery just chillin' there. It's not really ideal, but that probably gets to the next one on the list which is the new Go Pro Mods. These new 'mods', or accessories as the rest of the world calls them basically extends the functionality of the Go Pro itself from an integrated electronic standpoint. Now there are three mods, the first one is a Media Mod. That most notably includes as hot gun mic, so it's pointing directly at you - ideal for vlogging, or any sort of holding it out, like holding it out type setup. 

It also has a 3.5 millimeter adapter in case you find that [included] shotgun mic sucks. And then it has a USB-Cpass-through so an additional USB-C port there, as well as having a mini HDMI because this camera itself no longer has meaning HDMI on it the second mod is a flip up screen so it's 2 inch screen that flips up off the back to allow you to see yourself again holding out in front of you again really design kind offor that vlogging snare or anything where you want to hold and kind of walk and talk and then thirdly there's a new 200 lumen light as well that you can add to this whole entire kit now the downside here is that none of these mods are available today or anytime near today GoPros talking sometime later on this year so that's a huge disappointment there and of course as you may have realized with these new mods GoPros actually taken out features from the hero 7 black that are not in the hero right black for example there's no more mini HDMI port on the side of this in addition if you want to charge this on the go that kind of sucks compared the way it was in the past with hat smaller door that made it really clean to keep the battery locked tight but you could still access that USB charging port so all in all I'm excited by the mods I think they're really gonna be cool once I get my hands on them but I'm also disappointing the fans they've taken some of those features away from the hero 8 next on the list is the new hyper smooth 2.0 now hyper smooth was introduced in the hero 7 lineup and it dramatically improved the stability of the GoPro camera it was pretty much a game-changer for a GoPro hyper supose 2.0 is a modest upgrade to that it goes ahead and extends hyper smoothing to every frame rate in every aspect ratio now for certain groups of people this is gonna be a pretty big deal for those that you're doing 4 by 3 and there framing and post this is solid for those that are shooting at 1080p 240 frames per second you can now leave hyper smooth on and then slow down that footage. 


when it gets the right point of footage as opposed to have to make a decision between having really stable footage in really smooth footage for that one split second that you wanted to slow down into slomo so that takes us right into the next feature which is a new hyper smooth boost what this doest hat basically crops in the picture just slightly and it goes ahead and offers like even higher level stability this isn't offer in every mode but it is offered in things like 4k 30 for example and you definitely notice the difference it's much smoother compared to just regular hyper smooth 2.0 or other wise in boost mode GoPro says they're leveraging more the accelerometers and the gyros in the camera itself to kind of predict what's gonna happen in the scene and then go ahead and smooth based on that now just a little tip here double check and always ensure that the blue icon is on if it's blue you got boost if there's no blue there's no boost now it's a good time to mention if you are funny this video useful or interesting or whatever go ahead and just watch that like button the bottom there it really helps with the video and the channel quite a bit okay next on the list are a few things that are definitely making me as a video heat pretty darn happy number one on the list is ability to do 4k linear which is awesome so now I can mix all my footage from normal camera so you don't have that kind of fish eye look at all that used to be required for the 4k mode so now you can do straight linear and on top of that there is now the ability to do 100 megabit per second a bit rate you can select that within the pro tune options and you'll notice the protein options also a little bit cleaned up here as well now you go down and you just see all the options you choose what you want you don't feel like you'r  everything you just choose what particular settings you want to switch and you're off and running next on the list is probably one my favorite features which is the new live burst mode now the rest of the world again calls this live photo mode or at least Apple does anyways and that allows you to take a picture but actually get the frames before and after it so every time you take a picture in live burst mode it records 1.5 seconds before and 1.5 seconds afterwards it's actually taking a three second long video clip and then it goes ahead allows you to pull out the exact frame that you want it's been super handy for me because I take my camera a lot of times.


 when I'm running and riding and stuff like that I just take photos along the way for Strava and other social media apps but this allows me to get the exact right frame which is useful again when you're in action scenarios next on the list still in the photo realm is the updated super photo mode so one of the things I said they worked a lot on is reducing ghosting artifacts and ghosting happens when you take a super photo which is usually a very kind of HDR like photo and it merges those photos together but there is these weird ghosting artifacts that don't quite line up and you see trails it just you know it when you see it sort of thing and Go Pro says they've done a lot of work both at the processing side as well as the algorithm side to reduce or eliminate those I have yet to see a ghosted image on the here right black thus far versus I've seen him a fair number of times on the hero 7 black over the last year in addition they've also enabled ability to go ahead and manually toggle on and off HDR as kind of a subset of that so in case you did or didn't want that you can now do that next on the list we're gonna slide back to the video side of stuff and talk about the updated time work go pro introduced time warp in the hero 7 black and what that allows you to do is essentially do a hyperlapse so it's taking a time lapse and kicking up the next level where it's stabilized but we thought you had to choose a toggle of exactly how fast to make that hyperlapse and for a lot of people myself included you weren't really sure how long that one that to be so what Go Pros done is that new auto mode so instead of choosing an exact timing you just choose auto and we'll figure out for you which has been pretty useful I found in my testing thus far it's actually nailed kind of what I wanted it's sped up and slowed down were expected so that's pretty good stuff if you want the manual modes don't worry it's still there they didn't go anywhere next we got the new digital lenses now this is probably more of like a marketing term but you'll see it different in the user interface so I'm counting it as a new feature here digital lenses essentially gives a marketing term to what used to be wide super wide linear narrow etc so Go Pro has kind of made this whole digital lens concept.


 where they've moved stuff to the forefront it made it much more clear as to which mode you are and made it much easier to switch between those different modes next up the new capture presets now one of the things that Go Pro said people generally struggle with the past if they were new to Go Pro is figuring out which mode they should be in so they've simplified that down now where you these capture presets and by default there's four of them out of the box that allows you kind of pick what you want based on what kind of activity you'redoing but what's cool about this you can extend this now and create your own capture presets so in my case I can create one that is for 4k linear that I'm shooting when I want to mix in you know DSLR cameras footage and then I can shoot something for slo-mo and so on all this though is more or less a take on what DJI did with the Osmo action having camera presets there which in turn is it take on what Garmin did with the verb ultra series back like two years ago so kind of what's old is new again from someone else and then someone else before that up next on the list is the new 1080p streaming option last year when Go Pro introduced live streaming for the Go Pro cameras they did it at 720p which was a bit weird since the rest of the internet often streams at 1080p but they did that and now it's up to 1080p here which is awesome in addition to that you can go ahead and live stream directly to YouTube now just simply select that in the live options there at the bottom and you're good to go next there's a new battery on the hero right black but fear not it's still compatible with the hero five six and seven batteries you'll notice the difference right away that one has blue pants and the other one is the black one for the past they both working interchangeably in either camera so you can use a hero 8 battery in hero 7 camera or vice versa the only difference is that Go Pro says on some hyper smooth 2.0 modes and particular with Boost it may not work as well on the old batteries as a new batteries also I have tested third-party batteries I tend to use myself a ton of third-party batteries and all those seem to work just fine I haven't seen any of the issues that the Go Pro is talking about on either older batteries or third-party batteries with hyper smooth 2.0 next on the list there is a new lens now this lens Go Pro says there's two times stronger in the past I haven't taken out a hammer and swung it harder to see if that'll pull true but they say it's 2 times stronger they did that via increasing the thickness of the glass itself so it's up to 2 milli meters from the past it was 1.3 milli meters and with that whole thing they got rid of the ability to remove the lens off the front so that is definitely a bit of a bummer especially if you break it then you have to go ahead and get it back to Go Pro support to get swapped out now Go Pro does note though that with their Go Pro Plus subscription package that allows you to get it replaced on the fly without any questions asked so that at least is positive and of course Go Pro Plus has like the uploading bit and 50%of accessories and other things that that are already useful but that is definitely a bummer because in the past it was just like 20 or so bucks to replace the lens versus now paying five bucks a month also.

I was concerned that there would be no way to put ND filters on it but Go Pros hasn't launched they've partnered with polar pro so there will be ND filters available for the killer 8 black so that's not all bad news next the hero 8 includes a new front microphone now there are three microphones on total on the hero 8 there's one on the front on the side and on the bottom and we saw a ton of audio improvements in the hero 7 and with the hero 8 they said this new front microphone is better suited from a wind standpoint and then with that they paired a bunch of algorithm improvements as well to go ahead and not only deal with the wind side of things better than they have in a hero 7 but also to go ahead and improve ambient noise in quieter environments still talking to you though and cruising down this little section right here now definitely got a head blow at this point I'm still talking to you though okay we're getting in the homestretch here but don't worry you got a few more cool things to talk about starting off with the Auto leveling in the Go Pro app so if you ever mounted your camera just slightly off-center but didn't realize it and then captured a bunch of footage you're like oh that's not ideal- Go Pro app will just automatically level for you and I'm not gay straightened out again so that's handy because certainly you could have used third-party apps in the past to do that but this is now in the Go Pro app itself next a brief note on battery life I'm gonna put all the battery life estimates right now on the screen from Go Pro those are the official specs in my testing it's pretty close to that in more or less similar to what I saw on the hero 7 block in the past overall no real shifts there either positive or negative in my experience next it's worth noting that Go Pro says they've changed a little bit of the coloring on the camera between the hero 7 and the hero black and you can see that in certain scenarios by and large it seems to color better and more true though have seen like one maybe two scenarios and last month where it didn't quite nail that overall though it's definitely either equal or better than I've seen in the past the colors are just popping on everything I do for photos to videos so I have no real complaints there finally. 


 let's talk briefly about the new Go Pro Hero max that is again the fusion replacement of the past now the first thing you'll notice it's a heck of a lot smaller than the fusion camera was so that's positive number twos I've gotten rid of the requirement to have two SD cards in it which was a pain in the butt and post-processing and all that kind of stuff they've also added a 1.7 inch screen on the front of it which is super handy for framing and figuring out what's in frame router frame because while it is a 360 degree camera you sometimes want to go ahead and use just a single chunk of that frame as opposed to the entire thing further they've added a shotgun mic to it as part of their six microphone array on the camera so there's a ton of microphones on this camera itself and then they've added 1080p live streaming as well so something that the older fusion didn't have but I want to kind of caution you that this isn't a case of having two Go Pros for the price of one plus a hundred bucks for example if you're gonna use a single front lens there it's still 1440p you're not gonna be able to do 4k like you could on the hero a black so just keep that in mind it's a different type of camera which is a great camera potentially so stay tuned for later on in October when it comes out and I'll go ahead and do a kind of a full new things review on it then okay so there you go that is all the new things on the Go Pro Hero 8 black you know from my perspective if you're trying to slide between buying a hero 7 and a hero 8 for the extra 70 bucks I'd easily go hero 8 I don't think it's probably to be worth it for most people to upgrade from the hero 7 to the hero 8 and I think you know for me personally I really love the new stabilization of the hero 8 but I'm also a bit bummed about some of the trade-offs they've made around this especially around some of the accessories stuff. 



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