Go Pro Hero!!!! 18 Things About Go Pro Hero 8 In Comparison to Go Pro Max. Good And Bad About In Go Pro Hero 18

Hey, today I'm going to give you 18 Things To Know about the new Go Pro Hero 8. I'm gonna go into a little bit of the detail and stuff, kind of the under the covers of how things actually work on these cameras and I'm gonna talk about the good, and the bad of these camera. They are definitely not perfect and there's some things that I love, and some things that drive me absolutely bonkers. Also note that I have a ton of sample footage in this video but I also have a dedicated footage video up there in the corner. That's like the extravaganza of sample footage. Comparisons of four different cameras at once, all sorts of cool stuff there. So check that out as well as the in-depth review that you see on the screen right now. With that let's get into a bit of a freebie that is not included on my 18 Things, which is the pricing on this. The Hero 8 Black is at $399, the Hero 7 Black moves down to $329, the Hero 7 Silver goes to $199, and then they've introduced...