HACKER attack!!!! How FBI track the hacker?????how?

  Years ago the most feared criminals would be bankrupt but today a kid can steal a bank vault's worth of money sitting in his bedroom that is if he has the right hacking skills some hackers have stolen millions of dollars caused chaos and even changed the world but how did they do it and how did the fbi track them down and catch them twitter hackers on the 31st of july 2020 twitter went into total meltdown all of a sudden it seemed like every big twitter account was being hacked many huge accounts for example former president barack obama were hacked and it's thought all of the hacked tweets reached around 2 billion people all of the tweets. 

said this same message i'm giving back to my community due to covert 19. all bitcoin sent my address will be sent back doubled if you send back a thousand dollars I'll send back 2 000. they included a bitcoin wallet address and said only doing this for the next 30 minutes enjoy on the surface this may seem like a pretty clear scam but because it came from many very trusted and rich people many believed iti traced the bitcoin wallet address and found they made over a hundred thousand dollars so who was behind this massive hack which affected elon musk jeff bezos and apple well on the 1st of august graeme ivan clark a 17 year old was arrested in tampa florida.

The fbi said that he was the master mind behind the massive hack the fbi also announced charges against two co-conspirators this included a 19 year old from the uk named mason she pard and also 22 year old nima fazeli from florida so how were they caught well for one they did an interview with the new york times before getting caught this likely did not help them stay anonymous they also traced various financial payments to the hackers so kind of like with alcapone it was the irs which caused them to go to prison commander by now everyone knows the hacking group anonymous many people like them as they hack for good . But governments do not they're decentralized meaning they don't have an official leader but there is an unofficial leader known as commander x his real name is christop her doyle he's been on the run from the fbi for more than one year.

 He has a twitter account where he mocks those trying to catch him and last year he even released a book all about his life he detailed how he began hacking with the group anonymous he soon rose through the ranks on hacking forums and became their de facto leader commander x is famous for hacking the government website of santa cruzthis was in protest to santa cruz's treatment of the homeless also when there were protests in egypt he hacked the egyptian governmenthe stole all of the files relating to the population and this meant that the government could not arrest any protesters when he was doing this he was actually homeless at the time. 

He used a sanfrancisco coffee shop to do his work in and at night he would sleep in the alleyway behind it last year though the fbi said they wanted him in prison for 15 years so that's why he escaped to canada wherehe lives today gary mckinnon gary mckinnon looks like an average guy he's a 54 year old man from scotlandbut in 2002 he was accused of perpetrating the biggest military computer hack of all time gary was actually looking for evidence of free energy suppression and a cover-up of ufo activity he believes the public have the right to know about ufos and aliens little did he know that in 2020 the us army would confirm ufos but back in 2002. 

He found nothing from the hack he was able to get into 97 us military and nasa computer she did this in his girlfriend's aunt's house in london using the nick names olo he deleted many critical files from the military's operating systems this shut down 2000 us military computers for one whole day he alsoposted a nice message on the military's website your security isrubbish the fbi said the hack cost seven hundred thousand dollars for them to fixbut although he was found out he never actually went to prisonthe uk blocked his extradition to the us a and to this day he's never seen oneday behind bars hector monsiger hector monsigeris the founder of the hacking group lulzsec.

He was raised by his grand motherin a poor neighborhood in new york city from an early age he knew that he would have to start making some money that's why he learned hacking and began stealing credit card data but as he got older and more experienced he began doing bigger and bigger hack she hacked into the website of the tunisian prime minister he did this to support protests which were going on in the country hector also hacked into news corporation one of the largest media companies in the world he did all of his hacking under the pseudo name sabu but eventually he was identified by the anti-hacking company batrace security his luck then ran out when he decided to hack the fbi's website the fbi knocked on his door the next day and said they knew he was behind thousands of hacks he was going to be sentenced to 124 years in prisonso to avoid this hector became an fbi informant so far he's prevented around 400 hacks these include hacks to the us government military and nasa kevin mitsnick kevin mitnick may have carried out themost dangerous computer hack in history that is because he nearly caused world war iii in 1989.

 He hacked norad this is the north american defense command he was able to get into top secret missile defense systems and his hack was the basis for the 1980s movie war games eventually he was caught by the fbi he spent five years in prison eight months of which were in solitary confinement but later on he changed his ways he's now a computer security consultant but it's a good thing this guy was n't  too evil otherwise he could have literally launched nuclear missilesmarcus hutchins for many years marcus hutchins did lots of hacks but ironically he was only ever caught after he stopped someone else from hacking thousands of people he created some software which enabled him to steal passwords of internet users he then quit school and began offering his services on the dark web he developed software which stole banking data from thousands of people but'

he was caught after he stopped the wanna cry virus this was a virus which the us government says came from north korea it locked hundreds of thousands out of their files and affected many businesses including hospitals in the uk and around the world  marcus hacked wanna cry and disabled the virus but this put him in the spotlight and he was arrested for his earlier crimes his trial went on for many years and marcus thought he would be spending life in prison but instead the judge cleared marcus ofall charges the judge said that while he did do bad  things he also saved the world from a terrible virus itjust goes to show even criminals can have a good side and sometimes being good pays off but now it's time to make your voice heard comment below who was the most scary hacker in this video if you want some more amazing videos then check out my second channel but as always thanks for watching there are some more videos on screen right now leave a like if you enjoyed and if you haven't already what are you waiting for, subscribe.


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